EL Lanf

CRank: 5Score: 23250

There are plenty of other publishers just as bad, although I guess hating on Activision kinda died off? I still doubt they're really the worst company in the US.

3863d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Given there are 5 man squads now, changing to round number of players would make sense. 35 aside with a commander each would result in 72. If they're going to increase it, I'd expect it to be to that.

3869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't get it. EA doesn't let steam sell most recent EA games. EA and Ubisoft made a deal to be to sell each others games on their own respective stores.

3873d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure no PC game I've ever had has reached nearly 50gb, 25gb at most and they need to cater for more setups.You're looking at a 6-12GB average. Wasn't part of the large blu-ray capacity actually used to repeat the data on the disc to make up for the low-read times? That's unnecessary with a HDD install...

Take it from a PC gamer, 500gb (realistically a bit less)should be plenty unless you want every game you ever buy or get, to be installed.

3874d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I spent a little longer on RF2 than I'd care to admit but whilst it does many things most of these are ultimately quite shallow and repetitive. It's one of those games that sucks you in to do all these things and leaves a hollow sense of accomplishment especially with how soulless farming games have become in the modern age.

3877d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't really like notion of all classics needing remakes. Can't you just accept it was brilliant and move on? That said I would like a Battalion Wars sequel. They did offer a fun hybrid of third person shooter and RTS. It's great being able to control a grunt, hit a button and switch to a bomber or helicopter gunship and cause some real chaos then switch to a tank and mop up. Unlike something like Battlefield, you don't have to find these vehicles, since you're given con...

3880d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nintendo sure do know how to do a launch line-up. Not that it matters much to me, the Wii was the only console I've ever got at launch and that just collected dust after 2 years. This is why I love PC gaming, you don't have to wait ages for good games to justify the hardware.

3881d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MK Wii was great fun and probably one of the first instances of internet play on the Wii done well. The guy says the reason for it being bad is mainly blue shells, which are highly annoying but they do have quite a history in MK...

And motorbikes? Obviously they're not going to be groundbreakingly different but does that mean they shouldn't be included? Hell, wario's bike was practically the only vehicle I could use probably because it turned slowly like the karts...

3882d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

False, plenty of people are enjoying digital. The problem is digital on closed systems such as consoles where it leads to a monopoly. Look at PC, its almost entirely digital but people love it because its open and there's competition.

That said, PC's lack of generations means games are safe well into the future unlike a console which is evidently having issues transferring games between them.

3884d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They re-released it on steam a few months back. There had already been a PC version for over a decade though. Also FF6 > FF 7 IMO. I prefer the classical style ones I find it a shame only 9 went back to that in the 'main' series of FF.

Really, they don't need to re-release anything, just actually go back to making good, non-mmo, FF games.

3888d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see it as dumbing down. It's just a case of not making the inexperienced players have another thing to disadvantage them. It's not like they're getting everything, just the bloody basics. It's one thing for the unlock system to make you more specialised, it's another if it simply makes you more powerful.

I unlocked just about every vehicle unlock within the first few weeks of BF3 being released, so I'm not butthurt either. If you can't ...

3895d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bf3's colourblind was way better and I dont suffer from it either. Nice crisp icons without blindingly bright colours. Now in BF4 we get a nice variety too which I think is cool. It's nice to so see DICE really open up the game's accessibility like this.

3896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My point was more how insane the requirements would be not whether it's actually currently possible. It was a slightly off topic offshoot of what WOULD be impressive. Whilst running 3 monitors requires a lot of grunt, it's not a particularly impressive feat to see someone do.

3897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As nice as it is, it's not particularly new or BF4 exclusive. It's also possible to have a 6 monitor set-up. It'd be pretty insane doing that with 4K monitors. You need about 3 titans or whatever future top-of-the-range card is to do it though,

3897d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dodgy footage of a naked guy playing BF4. No thanks. I mean how are you supposed to show off how good it looks across 3 monitors via a camcorder? It's like the adverts that show off how awesome a TV plays. The fabulous TV is only going to look as good as the TV the advert is played on.

3897d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

A controller was my bet on what was coming. After all the [o+o] did resemble one a bit. I'm not going to judge this until its out though. Many innovative controllers have flopped in the past but valve has the weight and the wisdom to pull it off.

The trackpads can function as speakers though? My first though is thats what the looked like, really strange in that they actually also are.

Honestly I think the thing looks ugly though. There needs to be caution...

3901d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yo Rockstar, Imma real happy for you but Rovio made one of the best games of all time.

3909d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

At least the micro looked pretty damn sexy. This is just a giant wedge of cheese.

3931d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crap article - it forgot mods. Many games have been born from them, TF2, DOTA, Killing Floor, DayZ; the list is huge. I can't play games such as Skyrim without mods; it's simply ugly and dull.

Many gamers complain of problems with their games. The PC community fixes their own games before Dev's finally release the DLC addressing it.

3936d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a PC gamer but the reason for this is that PC's can have limitless grunt power. It takes a long time of optimisation to get console games to look good. Alpha footage on the console is going to look ugly or have a poor framerate.

Granted the other reason is possibly because the end product will often look better on PC anyway and they're going to want to their game to look as good as possible in public showings.

I dont think it has anything to d...

3936d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment